Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Weight Loss? 5 Reasons
weight loss plan that has and continues to show results is the
'apple cider vinegar weight loss' plan. Do you know what causes
weight gain? Well, there may be several medical reasons attributing
to sudden weight gain but the three most common reasons are
as follows. You tend to overeat when you get the constant urge
to binge. Owing to the odd timings you experience this urge
it is very difficult to actually bring it under control. The
apple cider vinegar weight loss diet works well with people
who face this problem and are trying hard to curb it. The apple
cider vinegar acts as an appetite suppressant. In other words
it puts a stop to cravings and the constant need to eat.
Another major reason that can be attributed to weight gain is
the poor metabolic activity rate in the body. If your body's
metabolic rate is slow, it cannot process the food you eat.
As a result most of the food remains unprocessed and finally
gets converted to fat. This coupled with an inactive lifestyle
can inadvertently result in excess weight gain. In this regard,
the apple cider vinegar weight loss plan shows results. The
apple cider vinegar is known to have a positive effect on the
metabolic capacity of the body and adjusts the rate according
to your intake.
The third reason why people tend to put on a lot of weight is
that their bodies retain water more than an average person.
Water retention is a major problem and people who look bloated
and plump is due to the excess water that stays in their body.
One way to address this problem is to lower your intake of salt.
Another way is to sign up for an apple cider vinegar weight
loss program. This weight loss plan immediately addresses the
issue of water retention and helps resolve the problem permanently.
fourth reason why apple cider vinegar is good for weight loss
is because it contains the soluble fiber pectin which is a main
constituent in apples notably in the skin. This fiber can detoxify
your body and cleanse your liver. A clean liver promotes weight
loss as during the cleansing process, you'll eliminate toxins
that foster obesity notably chemicals like Tributyltin and Bisphenol
The fifth and last reason why apple cider vinegar is beneficial
for weight loss is it can act as an effective constipation remedy
due to the fiber pectin. If you didn't know, constipation is
bad when you're trying to lose weight. By inducing regular bowel
movements and colon cleanse, apple cider vinegar acts as a natural
laxative and helps you shed off the pounds easier.
One of the many benefits of the apple cider vinegar weight loss
plan is that apple cider vinegar is easily available. You can
either prepare it at home or purchase it from the local supermarket.
All you have to do is add two spoons of the apple cider vinegar
to a glass of water and have it before each meal. In addition,
apple cider vinegar can be used for cooking too.
According to a 2009 study, it is said that regular intake of
acetic acid which is the main ingredient in apple cider vinegar
can yield promising weight loss benefits like a decrease in
body weight, stomach fat and triglycerides. Triglycerides are
fats found in the blood and regular overeating can contribute
to elevated triglyceride levels notably when your body doesn't
have enough time to use these calories as energy and the excess
get stored as fats. Lowering triglycerides would mean reducing
your overall fat percentage resulting in more weight loss for
you. Taking apple cider vinegar frequently will result in weight
loss, however don't expect the weight loss to happen overnight,
it will take time but this is a plan that guarantees results.