Boiled Eggs Good For Weight Loss?
doesn't like a nice breakfast with some delicious eggs whether
boiled, scrambled, poached, fried or omelet? Eggs are highly popular.
Whenever I go to stay in a hotel and have an American breakfast
buffet, there is always a queue at the egg station. Many people
simply love eggs. Unfortunately, eggs have been getting a bad
rap due to its high cholesterol content and as a result, some
people avoid them like the plague or eat very few of them for
fear of getting a stroke or heart attack. Some people whose goal
is to lose weight often exclude eggs totally from their diet as
not only they think eggs are unhealthy but they are not beneficial
for weight loss as well. These people can't be blamed totally
as they have been misinformed or simply listen to other people's
wrong advice.
of having an apprehension of eggs for heart diseases or weight
loss related issues, consider all the other factors which are
primarily the culprit of obesity and health disorders. A poor
diet, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and junk foods are some
of the major causes of obesity. Contrary to popular belief,
eggs are not responsible for heart diseases. In fact, you can
safely consume 1 whole egg every day. People who are more active
in exercising and weight training for instance can even consume
more than that as eggs are a vital source of high quality and
complete protein with a high biological value(BV).
it's true that eggs have a high amount of cholesterol due to
its yolk, it has been proven that dietary cholesterol has no
effect in raising blood cholesterol levels which can lead to
heart problems. Instead, the main culprit is saturated fats.
That's why if you were to eat greasy and fatty foods loaded
with saturated fats on a regular basis, you increase your chances
in getting a stroke rather than simply eating a mere egg every
day. The egg yolk has saturated fats but it's very minimal about
1.5 grams. As in everything in life, moderation is key. Don't
go and eat 5-10 whole eggs every day. The saturated fats will
add up and this won't be too healthy.
your main worry is on the egg yolk and its cholesterol content,
you're missing out on many of the health benefits eggs provide.
Some people will even throw away the yolk and eat only the whites
but in fact they are getting rid of all the valuable nutrients.
If you don't know yet, the egg yolk is loaded with vitamins
and minerals including riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin A, D, E,
B6, B12, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, folate,
pantothenic acid and last but not least, choline.
is a water-soluble vital nutrient and has many functions. Some
of them include brain development and promoting weight loss.
But how can choline help you in trimming off those excess pounds?
Choline helps in the metabolization of fats and use those fats
to provide energy. When fats are metabolized, this results in
greater satiety and a reduction in calorie intake. The outcome
is more weight loss. A large boiled egg contains 113 mg of choline
and a person's daily choline requirements is between 125-550
mg. Apart eggs, you can also get choline from other food sources
like lentils, milk, peanuts etc
large boiled egg contains only 78 calories and can easily be
used as a snack to keep hunger pangs at bay. If you can, opt
for organic eggs as they are free of hormones or chemicals plus
they are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty
acids(EFA's) have numerous weight loss benefits as well. So
now, instead of worrying about eating eggs, start including
them in your diet and continue with your weight loss efforts.