Obesity Cause Hemorrhoids?
are one of the most common problems in the world. They are typically
swollen veins in and around the anus. Symptoms for hemorrhoids
usually begin with bleeding during bowel activity. Many people
suffer from this issue and several questions are always asked
as to the real causes of hemorrhoids and one of the causes includes
obesity. Being obese definitely increases your likelihood of
triggering hemorrhoids for the following reasons:
weight and extra pressure on blood vessels
this excess weight stored in your body can put unneeded stress
and extra pressure on your blood vessels and inhibit blood circulation
causing the veins to potentially manifest and becoming hemorrhoids.
For obese individuals, sitting for long hours is not recommended
as this can contribute to hemorrhoids due to more pressure on
the rectal region and the veins.
of dietary fiber in your diet
fiber is essential for general health and particularly for your
colon health. If you use to strain and struggle during your
bowel movement, you're mostly likely suffering from constipation.
Constipation is prevalent in obese individuals because these
people usually eat the wrong kind of foods with poor emphasis
on dietary fiber and not drinking enough water too and focusing
on soda instead. Junk and processed foods are more common in
their diet. Too much straining during a stool release increases
the likelihood of bleeding and frequent occurences can definitely
trigger hemorrhoids.
of physical exercise is common in obese individuals and being
sedentary can increase your chances of getting hemorrhoids.
Extended sitting for instance decreases blood flow and overall
flexibility of your body including blood vessels' strength.
to do if you suffer from hemorrhoids?
that you know that obesity can potentially increase the likelihood
of developing hemorrhoids, it's time to start taking action.
Lead a more active lifestyle with regular exercise and focus
on proper nutrition and also don't forget to drink more water.
That being said, if you're already suffering from hemorrhoids,
it's a good idea to start changing your eating habits initially
and add more fiber in your diet for instance.
like steel-cut oats, oat bran, wheat bran, rice bran, barley,
buckwheat groats, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprout,
green beans, asparagus, spinach, romaine lettuce, sweet potatoes,
kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas(also known as garbanzo beans),
edamame, apples, pears, berries, avocados, dried prunes and
dried figs are just some of the fiber-rich foods which you should
include in your groceries list.
on the right foods is a major step forward and will definitely
help but might not cure your hemorrhoids totally because it
really depends how severe it is. Fortunately there are long-term
solutions for hemorrhoids. For in-depth tips and advice on curing
hemorrhoids, I highly recommend Hemorrhoid
No More. This is truly the ultimate guide and no-nonsense
approach for lasting hemorrhoids freedom hands down.
