3 Natural Ways To Combat Obesity

In our modern culture, many of us are prone to a sedentary lifestyle. We deeply lack physical activity and to make things worst, we tend to adopt bad nutrition habits. Fast foods and takeaways are pretty much the trend nowadays and these are linked to a surge in obesity. In 2012, in the United States alone, obesity was 26.2% as compared to 26.1% in 2011 which remains stubbornly high. It is said that by 2030, 42% of Americans could become obese. Childhood obesity rates are also soaring reaching epidemic proportions and the obesity epidemic shows no sign of retreating.

Obesity is dangerous as it can potentially trigger a series of health issues like coronary heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, macular degeneration and even various forms of cancer. If you want to become healthy, it's time to make drastic changes to your lifestyle because obesity can jeopardize your life. It won't be easy but you really need to take action now. Here are a few ways to combat obesity:

1. Get Physically Active

In order to lose weight, burning fat is essential and getting rid of your "beer" belly should be your primary goal. You need to lower your overall body fat levels to become slimmer and there is really no healthier shortcut than exercising. It's time to get off the couch or the computer chair and get moving to burn those excess calories. You need to become more physically active and partake in an exercise routine like running, aerobics or any sports activity like volleyball, football, basketball, swimming, cycling.

Get yourself immersed in a routine like exercising 3-5 times per week. You need to become disciplined, patient and persistent and above all, remain positive as there is a long road ahead. If you don't consider what you're doing a chore but rather a lifestyle, it will become easier for you to reach your weight loss goals. Just enjoy what you're doing is key.

2. Have A Proper Nutrition Routine In Place

If you're exercising hard, you also need to adhere to a proper nutrition regimen. It's time to ditch those bad eating habits like fast foods and takeaways. Eat more real healthy foods which are packed with valuable nutrients like vitamins and minerals much needed for effective weight loss. Nutrient-dense foods are more filling and nutritious yet they don't have a lot of calories.

Take an active role in your grocery shopping and make a list of what you really need. Making and sticking to a list is vital as it will prevent you from buying foods which are counterproductive for weight loss. Focus more on complex carbs, lean protein, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats. Avoid alcoholic drinks, carbonated beverages and drink water instead.

3. Stop Emotional Eating

Emotional eating occurs when you use food as a means to suppress your negative feelings and emotions like anger, anxiety, frustration, loneliness, stress, sadness, despair, depression, fear and boredom. Usually in these cases, people have recourse to comfort foods which are mostly calorie-laden ones and don't have much nutritive value like chips, donuts, crisps, candies, chocolates, cakes, biscuits and ice cream. Emotional eating can sabotage your weight loss efforts as overindulgence is usually not uncommon.

You should bear in mind that food should be used primarily as "fuel" not for relieving your feelings and emotions. When you have negative feelings and your first impulse is to open the refrigerator, resist that urge and try doing something else other than thinking about food. For instance when you're stressed, try practising yoga, book a massage or take a warm bath. If you're sad or depressed, talk to a friend to appease your feelings. Just find alternate ways to deal with your emotions other than binge eating, eventually, your waistline will thank you for that.

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