5 Foods To Eat For Breakfast To Lose Weight

Eating nutritious foods is key for optimum weight loss. Foods which are high in nutrients like vitamins and minerals enhance the weight loss process. If you've been having a hard time eating the right foods to lose weight, it's time to change your nutrition plan. Having a proper grocery list with the right weight loss foods is vital for your goals. Start your day with a great breakfast containing nourishing foods. Here are 5 foods to eat for breakfast to lose weight:

High Fiber Cereals

High fiber cereals are one of the favorite foods for breakfast and they are highly recommended to anyone on a weight loss regimen. These cereals are packed with complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals which make them slow-digesting, satiating and great weight loss foods. Some examples of high fiber cereals include 100% wholegrain oats, oat bran, muesli(made with rolled oats) and wholewheat cereal biscuits like sunny bisks for instance. Stay clear of cereals which have too much added sugar and artificial flavors.

High Protein Yogurt

Yogurt is a great food for breakfast but not all types of yogurt are the same. The more commercial yogurts are usually higher in fat and sugar which are not so good for weight loss although they taste better. What you need is a yogurt having a higher protein content like Greek yogurt which contains a good amount of slow-digesting casein protein and low in fat and sugar. Protein keeps you full and prevents hunger pangs and snacking.


Fruits are excellent for breakfast. They are rich in fiber and antioxidants like vitamins and minerals which are very beneficial for weight loss. Here is short list of fruits that you can eat for breakfast - apples, pears, oranges, bananas, pineapples, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, kiwis, avocados, peaches and plums. With fruits, you can easily make some smoothies with a blender and have a fast breakfast.


Eggs are popular for breakfast whether boiled, scrambled or omelette. Many people enjoy eating eggs for their first meal of the day. If your goal is to lose weight, it's time to start eating some eggs for breakfast. Contrary to popular belief that eggs are bad for health, eggs are actually very good for you. Eggs are high in protein, low in calories and fat and contains an array of nutrients notably in the yolk. One of these nutrients is choline and research has shown that choline can have a lipotropic effect meaning it can foster your body's fat usage. Using your fat stores as energy more efficiently would mean more weight loss for you.

The myth that eggs are high in cholesterol and can be bad for the heart is unfounded because it has been proven that dietary cholesterol in the egg yolks has no effect in raising your bad cholesterol levels(LDLs). If you can get the free range or organic eggs, it's even better as they are loaded with omega-3's.

Wholewheat Bread

Bread notably white bread has a bad rap for anyone on a weight loss routine as they are high in simple carbohydrates which make you more prone for fat storage. You can still eat bread for breakfast but opt for the wholewheat bread also known as brown bread. Wholewheat bread is made from flour totally milled from whole wheat grains. They are lower in calories and higher in fiber than white bread.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Choosing the right foods to start your day is crucial to kickstart your metabolism and stimulate fat burning. It's not really difficult to eat the right foods to lose weight, with time, you'll get accustomed to eating this way and your body will thank you for that in the long run.

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